300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India

"Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory” ~ Pattabhi Jois.

Discover the transformative power of yoga with Tattvaa Yogashala's 300 hour yoga teacher training in India. Our program will provide you with the proficiency and skills needed to become a certified yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance. Upon completing our 300 hour Yoga TTC In India, you can register with Yoga Alliance as RYT 300, an internationally recognized yoga teacher certification and designation.

At Tattvaa Yogashala, we believe that yoga is a beautiful way to improve both our physical and mental health. Our experienced instructors teach the fundamentals and advanced modalities of yoga, including various asanas and positions of ancient yoga. Our program can help you manage any significant or minor diseases, and it has even cured many illnesses and conditions, saving lives through regular practice.

As a yoga teacher, you'll have the power to shape people's lives and help them achieve better health and wellness. Tattvaa Yogashala is one of the best institutes in Rishikesh, where you can learn how to become a successful yoga teacher. We offer various training sessions to help you start your career as a yoga teacher.

Choose our 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh to become the best yoga teacher you can be. Join us and overcome the things you once thought you couldn't. Strength comes from pushing beyond our limits, and we're here to guide you at every step of your journey."

  • Level:Intermediate
  • Yoga Style:Ashtanga & Hatha Yoga
  • Language of Instruction:English & Hindi
  • Certification:300 Hour Certificate
  • Location:Rishikesh
  • Course Fee:USD 1999

Discover Tattvaa Yogashala's 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Our 300 hour yoga teacher training is an evolved level of training that builds upon the knowledge and skills gained in 200 hour yoga teacher training. It is designed for those who have completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training and want to deepen their knowledge and understanding of yoga philosophy, anatomy, asana, pranayama, meditation, and teaching methodology.

Our 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh takes four weeks and is held in Tattvaa Yogashala's residential ashram in Rishikesh, India. Our experienced and certified yoga teachers conduct the program and guide students through advanced asanas, adjustments, sequencing, modifications, anatomy and physiology, the subtle body, philosophy, and ethics of yoga, and teaching methodology.

The training includes intensive daily yoga practice, meditation, pranayama, and lectures on various aspects of yoga. Students will also have the opportunity to experience kirtans, fire ceremonies, and other traditional Indian rituals that are an integral part of yogic culture.

Upon completion of the 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh by Tattvaa Yogashala, graduates can register with Yoga Alliance as RYT 500. This certification demonstrates a higher level of expertise and knowledge in the field of yoga teaching and allows graduates to teach more advanced classes and workshops.


Skill Level

Why Choose Our 300 Hour YTT Course In Rishikesh, India

300 hour Yoga Teacher Training India

Choosing Tattvaa Yogashala's 300 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh is a wise decision for several reasons.

Firstly, our program is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of yoga practices from its roots in Rishikesh, the birthplace of yoga.

Secondly, our residential training provides students with a conducive environment to focus on their training and immerse themselves in the yogic lifestyle. Thirdly, we have experienced and qualified yoga teachers who guide students through the entire training, imparting knowledge and expertise in different aspects of yoga.

Lastly, our students come from diverse backgrounds and countries, creating a cultural exchange that enriches the learning experience. At Tattvaa Yogashala, we strive to create a warm and welcoming community of students and teachers who support each other throughout the journey of yoga teacher training.

300 Hour YTT Course Syllabus In Rishikesh, India

300 Hour YTT Course Syllabus And Cirriculum

  • Surya Namaskara [A]
  • Surya Namaskara [B]
  • Padangusthasana
  • Padahastasana
  • Utthita Trikonasana
  • Parivritta Trikonasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Parivritta Parsvakonasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana [A]
  • Prasarita Padottanasana [B]
  • Prasarita Padottanasana [C]
  • Prasarita Padottanasana [D]
  • Parsvottanasana
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana [A]
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana [B]
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana [C]
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana [D]
  • Arddha Baddha Padmottanasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Virabhadrasana [A]
  • Virabhadrasana [B]
  • Dandasana
  • Paschimottanasana [A]
  • Paschimottanasana [B]
  • Paschimottanasana [C]
  • Purvottanasanay
  • Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana
  • Tirianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana
  • Janu Sirsasana [A]
  • Janu Sirsasana [B]
  • Janu Sirsasana [C]
  • Marichyasana [A]
  • Marichyasana [B]
  • Marichyasana [C]
  • Marichyasana [D]
  • Navasana
  • Bhujapidasana
  • Kurmasana
  • Supta Kurmasana
  • Garbha Pindasana
  • Kukkutasana
  • Baddha Konasana [A]
  • Baddha Konasana [B]
  • Upavista Konasana [A]
  • Upavista Konasana [B]
  • Supta Padangusthasana [A]
  • Supta Padangusthasana [B]
  • Supta Padangusthasana [C]
  • Ubhaiya Padangusthasana
  • Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana
  • Setu Bandhasana
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Salamba Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Karnapidasana
  • Urdhva Padmasana
  • Pindasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Uttana Padasana
  • Sirsasana [A]
  • Sirsasana [B]
  • Balasana
  • Baddha Padmasana
  • Padmasana
  • Uttpluthih
  • Savasana

  • Surya Namaskara [A]
  • Surya Namaskara [B]
  • Padangusthasana
  • Padahastasana
  • Utthita Trikonasana
  • Parivritta Trikonasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Parivritta Parsvakonasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana [A]
  • Prasarita Padottanasana [B]
  • Prasarita Padottanasana [C]
  • Prasarita Padottanasana [D]
  • Parsvottanasana
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana [A]
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana [B]
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana [C]
  • Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana [D]
  • Arddha Baddha Padmottanasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Virabhadrasana [A]
  • Virabhadrasana [B]
  • Pashasana
  • Krounchasana
  • Shalabasana [A]
  • Shalabasana [B]
  • Bhekasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Parshva Dhanurasana
  • Ushtrasana
  • Laghu Vajrasana
  • Kapotasana [A]
  • Kapotasana [B]
  • Supta Vajrasana
  • Bakasana [A]
  • Bakasana [B]
  • Bharadvajasana
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana
  • Eka Pada Shirshasana
  • Dvi Pada Shirshasana
  • Yoga Nidrasana
  • Tittibhasana [A]
  • Tittibhasana [B]
  • Tittibhasana [C]
  • Pincha Mayurasana
  • Karandavasana
  • Vrisikasana
  • Mayurasana
  • Nakrasana
  • Vatayanasana
  • Parighasana
  • Gomukhasana [A]
  • Gomukhasana [B]
  • Supta Urdvha Pada Vajrasana
  • Mukta Hasta Shirshasana [A]
  • Mukta Hasta Shirshasana [B]
  • Mukta Hasta Shirshasana [C]
  • Baddha Hasta Shirshasana [A]
  • Baddha Hasta Shirshasana [B]
  • Baddha Hasta Shirshasana [C]
  • Baddha Hasta Shirshasana [D]
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Salamba Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Karnapidasana
  • Urdhva Padmasana
  • Pindasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Uttana Padasana
  • Sirsasana [A]
  • Sirsasana [B]
  • Balasana
  • Baddha Padmasana
  • Padmasana
  • Uttpluthih
  • Savasana

  • Kapalabhati
  • Nadi Shodhana
  • Anuloma Viloma
  • Bhastrika
  • Ujjayi
  • Surya Bhedan
  • Chandra Bhedan
  • Bhramari
  • Sheetali
  • Sheetkari
  • Yogic Breathing
  • Spinal Breathing

  • History and tradition of Yoga
  • Schools of Yoga
  • Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga
  • Karma Yoga
  • Bhakti yoga
  • Janana Yoga
  • Tantra yoga
  • Mantra yoga
  • Concept of Prana
  • Pancha Pranas
  • Koshas and Shariras
  • Kundalini
  • Chakras
  • Pranayama
  • Introduction to Bhagavad Gita
  • Introduction to Six Indian Philosophies
  • Conceptual understanding of Samadhipada
  • Discipline of yoga
  • What is yoga? “Yoga chitta vritti Nirodha” Yoga Sutras 1.2
  • Vrittis (mental fluctuations) and their classification
  • Consistent practice and Detachment (Abhayasa and Vairagya)
  • Factors that accelerate yoga sadhana
  • Concept of the Divine and Surrender to the Divine in yoga (concept of Isvara and Isvarapranidhana)
  • Relevance of Omkara in yoga system
  • Obstacles and distractions on the path of yoga (concepts of citta viksepa and antaraya)
  • Concept of methods of bringing the mind to a blissful state (chitta prasadhana )
  • Foundations of Yoga
  • Traditional Texts
  • Human Biology and application of Yoga practices
  • Introduction to Indian Philosophy and Tradition
  • Therapeutic basis of yoga
  • Yoga therapy for common diseases
  • Stress and its yogic management
  • Yoga and psychology
  • Samkhya philosophy
  • Vedanta philosophy
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • Goal of Hatha Yoga
  • Kriyas

  • The Yoga Mala - Sri K. Pattahbi Jois
  • Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Swami Venkatesananda, Motilal publication
  • Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha (APMB) Yoga Darshan - Swami Niranjanananda Ji The Heart of Yoga, T.K.V. Desikachar
  • The Science of Breath- Dr. M.L. Ghorole
  • Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita

  • How to safely go-in and go-out of a posture?
  • How to give cues and instructions?
  • Anatomy of a yoga posture?
  • Benefits of a yoga posture?
  • Contra-indications, hands-on adjustments?
  • Modification, advance variation, and use of props?

  • Qualities of a Yoga Teacher
  • The attitude of a Yoga Teacher and being yourself
  • Safety measures, How to avoid injuries
  • Cultivation of command through voice modulations
  • How to deepen your connection with your inner-being
  • Importance of Communication, giving cues and instructions
  • Traditional Ashtanga Yoga class, Sivananda class 12 basic postures
  • Principles of sequencing various Vinyasa flows
  • Peak pose and how to build up to one.

Essential Information For Students Of Our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India

A Comprehensive overview of 300 hour yoga teacher training course guidelines for students.

Daily Schedule Of Our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh, India

06:30 - 08:00AM Pranayama/ Meditation / Mantra Chanting
08:30 - 10:15AM Asana Practice Ashtanga Vinyasa Mysore Style or Led Class
10:30 - 12:00PM Breakfast / Brunch / Free Time / Study Time
12:00 - 01:30PM Yoga Principles / Philosophy / Yoga Sutra Lectures
02:00 - 03:00PM Yoga Nidra Meditation / Rest Time / Free time / Refreshing time
03:00 - 04:00PM Workshop / Study Time / Guest Lecturers
04:00 - 06:00PM Asana practice / Art of Adjustment / Body Alignment
06:30 - 07:30PM Dinner Time
07:30 - 08:30PM Rest Time / Free Time / Study Time
08:30 - 09:30PM Silence Meditation
09:30 - 06:00AM Mauna / Silence

Discover Upcoming Dates For Our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India

We're pleased to provide you with the upcoming dates and fee structure for our 300-hour yoga teacher training course, which will help you choose a convenient time to enroll. Please take a moment to review the information and let us know if you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way. We're always here to help!

Date Shared Accommodation Single Accommodation Status
01-Mar-2025 to 28-Mar-2025 $1299 $1499 Enroll Now
01-Apr-2025 to 28-Apr-2025 $1299 $1499 Enroll Now
01-May-2025 to 28-May-2025 $1299 $1499 Enroll Now
01-Jun-2025 to 28-Jun-2025 $1299 $1499 Enroll Now
01-Jul-2025 to 28-Jul-2025 $1299 $1499 Enroll Now
01-Aug-2025 to 28-Aug-2025 $1299 $1499 Enroll Now
01-Sep-2025 to 28-Sep-2025 $1299 $1499 Enroll Now
01-Oct-2025 to 28-Oct-2025 $1299 $1499 Enroll Now
01-Nov-2025 to 28-Nov-2025 $1299 $1499 Enroll Now
01-Dec-2025 to 28-Dec-2025 $1299 $1499 Enroll Now

01-Mar-2025 to 28-Mar-2025

Shared Room


Single Room


01-Apr-2025 to 28-Apr-2025

Shared Room


Single Room


01-May-2025 to 28-May-2025

Shared Room


Single Room


01-Jun-2025 to 28-Jun-2025

Shared Room


Single Room


01-Jul-2025 to 28-Jul-2025

Shared Room


Single Room


01-Aug-2025 to 28-Aug-2025

Shared Room


Single Room


01-Sep-2025 to 28-Sep-2025

Shared Room


Single Room


01-Oct-2025 to 28-Oct-2025

Shared Room


Single Room


01-Nov-2025 to 28-Nov-2025

Shared Room


Single Room


01-Dec-2025 to 28-Dec-2025

Shared Room


Single Room


If you would like to inquire about more scheduled course dates and availability, please feel free to email us at info@tattvaayogashala.com. Alternatively, if you have a quick question, you can also send us a WhatsApp message at +91-9997744876. We are always happy to assist you in any way we can.

Our Affordable 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Fees In Rishikesh, India

At Tattvaa Yogashala, We offer competitive course fees and speedy payment options to make your experience seamless.

Payment Options: Once you receive your acceptance letter, you will receive detailed information and instructions for the payment procedure. To secure your seat, a non-refundable deposit of US$ 200 is required. The remaining program fee balance can be paid in cash (Indian Rupees or US Dollars), by credit card, or through online transfer using Transferwise. We accept online transfers in any currency. Please note that the full balance of the program fee must be paid on orientation day upon arrival in Rishikesh.

Refund Policy: To secure your spot, you must pay a deposit, which is non-refundable. The course fee, including the deposit, is non-refundable and valid for a year from the course date. Please make sure to pay the outstanding course fee in full before the course begins. We want to remind you that we do not give refunds. Hence, it's your responsibility to ensure you're fully insured against any unforeseen circumstances that may prevent you from attending the course or require you to leave early.

All-Inclusive Fees: When you choose to join us, everything you need is included in the course fees. You'll receive top-notch instruction, comfortable private or shared accommodations, two delicious meals daily, and a daily snack with tea. It's all part of our commitment to providing you with a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience.

Eligibility Criteria For 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India

This intensive 300 hour teacher training in India is designed for yoga practitioners looking to deepen their knowledge and practice of yoga. To be eligible for this program, participants must have completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training course. We require a sincere commitment to learning and engagement in intensive training and practice. As the program is quite rigorous, students must be physically and mentally prepared and in good physical condition. Most importantly, participants should arrive open-minded and eager to learn.

The 300 hour yoga teacher training program consists of at least 9 hours of daily classes, and 100% attendance is mandatory. Therefore, participants must follow the schedule and attend all classes, sessions, and activities during the training program. As Rishikesh is a holy city, meat, alcohol, and recreational drugs are prohibited. Therefore, we request that participants not bring them from outside to fully experience the benefits of yoga. A basic understanding of the English language is also required as the course is conducted in English, and participants must speak English.

Enrollment in the program is based on eligibility and is given on a first-come, first-served basis.

FAQs About Our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh, Indiaz

A 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is designed for yoga teachers who have already completed a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. However, Tattvaa Yogashala offers various beginner level YTT programs that allow students who are not yoga teachers to have a strong yoga practice.

A 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course provides an opportunity to deepen your knowledge of yoga philosophy, anatomy, asanas, pranayama, meditation, and other advanced practices under the guidance of our certified yoga teachers. It helps you to become a more skilled and confident yoga teacher, improve your personal practice, and enhance your teaching career.

At Tattvaa Yogashala in Rishikesh, India, students must pass a final exam and fulfill all the Yoga Alliance's requirements, including a certain number of teaching hours and continued education, to receive a certificate of completing a 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Our 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course typically takes 4-6 weeks to complete.

Accommodations And Yogic Food At Tattvaa Yogashala Rishikesh, India

Yogic Food and Ashram like Environment at Tattvaa Yogashala in Rishikesh, India

Star Rating Image

Reviews From Students Of Our 300 Hour YTTC In Rishikesh, India

Tattvaa Yogashala is an international yoga teacher training school with Yoga ashrams in India.

Danielle's Photo
Danielle Canada

I did a 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh this month. There are simply no words to describe how beautiful, intense, life changing and magical this month has been for me. The teachers are very dedicated to share their knowledge with their students and support you wherever needed. You can really feel that they all love what they do!! Highly recommended :-)

Jon Fellman's Photo
Jon Fellman United Kingdom

An excellent, worthwhile course whether you plan to teach or just further your practice. Kamal and all of the teaching faculty are very experienced and knowledgeable and exceeded my expectations. I definitely recommend Tattvaa for 300 hour yoga ttc in Rishikesh!

Sara''s Photo
Sara Lehtikangas Australia

Did 300 hour yoga training in Rishikesh and will return later on for 200. This school is really amazing. Push you to your limits making sure you leave better than you came. Forever grateful for this amazing month. Our teachers and all new friends that were made ❤️ Can warmly recommend!

300 Hour YTTC Certification In Rishikesh, India

Tattvaa Yogashala is a globally accredited yoga school located in Rishikesh, providing students with the assurance that they can teach anywhere in the world.

Yoga Certfication

Tattvaa Yogashala is a registered yoga school in Rishikesh, India, and after completing the course, we help our students to get the Yoga Alliance USA certificate.

  • Yoga Alliance Certification:

    All participants completing a 300 hour yoga training course in Rishikesh, India are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as RYT 300, which is an internationally recognized yoga teacher certification and designation.

Curriculum For Our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Yoga Training/Practice:

The training sessions include practising asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, meditation, and other traditional yoga techniques. The practice hours are a mix of (1) analytical training in how to lead and practice the techniques and (2) guided practice of the techniques.

Teaching Methodology:

Includes principles of demonstration, statement, assisting/correcting, instruction, schooling styles, teacher qualities, the student's method of learning, and business aspects of teaching yoga.

Yoga Anatomy:

Includes both human anatomy and yoga physiology. The Pranic body's Anatomy includes studying chakras, nadis, bandhas, etc. An introductory preface to Ayurvedic three doshas, diet and lifestyle founded on seasons and constitution. Provides for studying the subject and applying its principles to yoga courses.

Philosophy & Ethics:

The study of Patanjali's yoga sutras, yoga in the big picture, the historical development of yoga, four paths and various strategies for self-realisation, yogic lifestyle in current society, and ethics for sustaining the position of the best yoga teachers.


Practicum includes practice teaching, receiving feedback, scrutinising others' education, and hearing/providing feedback.

10,000 +

Yogis Certified From Tattvaa Yogashala

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Our Lead Yoga Teachers

At Tattvaa Yogashala, all the yoga teachers are highly experinced and extremely proficient in their field of study.

Yogi Kamal

Yogi Kamal Singh (ERYT 500)

Ashtanga Yoga Teacher

Yogi Sunil

Yogi Sunil Sharma (ERYT 500)

Pranayama & Meditation Teacher

Yogini Priya

Yogini Priya (ERYT 200)

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher

Contact Tattvaa Yogashala Send Enquiry